Obsession Essay
Kevin did it again. He had talked his way past a long line of hipsters, shaking from the cold. The bouncer had been reluctant, hard to win over, but Kevin kept at it, working the big guy, wearing him down without wearing him out. I was just out of earshot but I could imagine what magic webs of silvery connections Kevin was spinning around the galoots head. After a longer than usual but not anywhere near awkward amount of time, we were given the nod, a rope was lifted, and in we swaggered toward the pulsing vibrations of an ‘A’ list Manhattan club.
It was always so. Clubs, restaurants with back rooms, parties, benefits, showings, previews, you name it. Knowing people. Knowing people who know people. Knowing people who might know people who certainly know people. Names, connections, phone numbers, contacts, influence, talk, spin, all in the service of a ferocious ambition. He was obsessed.
Holy shit was it fun to be around. The nights were wild romping playgrounds of feats. Moving from one venue to another, getting in, always getting in, getting one step closer to someone fancier, more important, even more famous than the one before. That was his obsession after all, to be famous. So we grabbed cabs, cut lines, walked past welcome tables, crashed parties, sat at tables with name tags not ours. Kevin did all the talking. I just lapped it all up.
Kevin famously stole an invitation out of a ladies purse at some play—he tells this story so I’m not being loose-lipped here—he saw an invitation sticking out of her purse, and when she wasn’t looking he lifted it. A week later he showed up to the invitation-only party with the purloined paper and made it past the uniformed welcome committee. Made it in. Always in, further in, closer and closer he wormed. I wasn’t there. Besides, the invitation was for one.
Jack Lemon was there, yeah, that Jack Lemon. Apparently Kevin cornered Jack at some point and did his best Jonny Carson, which is really good, I’ve heard it. Jack lapped it up, got a huge kick out of it so they say. Kevin was in this time. Really in.
I always admired his obsession but I simply didn’t have it. Not at all to the degree that Kevin did. Sure I wanted to be successful, to achieve things, to be respected for a talent, but my desire, my ambition was modest, normal. And so, not at all surprisingly I guess, I have a modest, relatively normal life. Nothing outsized about it. If I’d had the opportunity to see what was to come, could I have adjusted? Could I have found that level of obsession back in my early twenties when we were dancing in the streets? Could I have kept up with Kevin? It always makes me laugh, how ill fitting Kevin’s last name is. For a guy with such a drive, such a focus, a burning ambition on the scale of an obsession to be tagged with the last name of Spacey makes me laugh.
I couldn’t have kept up with him, no way. I’m pretty sure that kind of single mindedness takes a toll, at least thats what I like to think. He sure did it though, I gotta hand it to him. If you’ve got an obsession that strong it strikes me that you’d be better off fulfilling it. The opposite seems problematic. Obsessions tend not to go away though. They just get replaced. No doubt Kevin’s being eaten alive by another obsession. That’s another thing I like to think.
Labels: Essay Club