I knew I had to do it at some point but I always thought that it would be during some lull after the dust had settled. The ‘it’ being the ordering of the appliances. What overcame me recently was the fact that the calm so yearned for will never come. In its place there is only a rush to the finish line. So, who cares if the timing is slightly off and large kitchen appliances sit in the middle of the living room for a few days while I lay the cork flooring in the kitchen? Better to order everything and get it here. It’s not like the living room is being used for anything more than tool storage at present.
Here are thumbnails. When we sublet the place we will honestly be able to tout “brand new appliances”. There will be a few dinner parties for family and friends during the month of July but that is hardly going to age these fella’s.

By the way. Has anybody heard the voice-over on the new Toyota Tundra truck TV commercials? I hope the guys being paid a fortune because he's fabulous. Makes me want a truck again.