An Actor Repairs

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

It’s a damn cover-up!

Hey, wait a minute. What the sam-hell is that over there in the corner.

Why, it’s an iron, a pair of scissors, and a couple of rolls of hot-melt cherry veneered edge tape! Well I’ll be a son of a basket weaver.

They mean to cover up them white cabinets and make ‘em look fancy! Lookee there how that sly fox scribed a smelly ole’ piece of poplar to fill in that there gap between the cabinet and the wall.

And then look at this! He done glued on some cherry lickety-split, acting all high’n mighty whiles he was a-doin’ it!

Whoa, now hold on. Great gobs of goose grease, that there is a side panel, and now I can see, as plain as the nose on my face that as soon as that ole’ coot gets them nice cherry doors on…well there ain’t gonna be no Ikea left to I-see-a.

Is that the light box ceiling? With left over crown molding shipped from Seattle? Now just a cotton-pickin’ minute! I’ve had just about enough outa you feller. You’re just showin’ off!



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