A Slurry Of Updates.
Dear reader,
As the tasks become mundane I grow less inclined to bore you with the details. Fear not! There is excitement on the horizon. Last week was spent taping and sanding and priming the kitchen area. This followed the hated week of installing someone else’s kitchen, but hey, I don’t have to worry about rent till December.
I also laid quarter inch masonite over the 3/4 inch ply in the kitchen. I glued it with a gallon plus of liquid nails, smeared on with a toothed trowel and weighted it down overnight. For safety’s sake, I screwed down the area’s that will be exposed to foot traffic and covered over the crew heads with Ready Patch, the king of redi-mix patching compounds. Emerson has been tasked with guarding the finish floor material which arrived in the mail!
When was the last time you ordered a kitchen floor over the internet and it arrived in the mail?
Here is a close up!
It’s cork. An environment friendly, renewable, natural product. We got it from this place.
The backsplash will be a homemade extravaganza made from saved, donated and found wine corks. More on that later. But you see the theme emerging? The sink is a kind of rusty-wine red. That color will be pulled throughout the kitchen in various ways. So entering the kitchen should, in a certain measure, have the feeling of diving into a bottle of Cabernet.
And here are the walls primed and ready.
I see that Miss Bridget is once again correct! She nicely corrected my error by informing me that Emerson is NOT a black and white cat at all but has an array of colors in his spots. Miss B, like her FarMor, prides herself on being correct! Thanks for the closeup picture in the sunlight to prove her point.
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