Taking All Bets

Just before the toll-booth after crossing over the TriBorough Bridge we hit a pot hole, HARD! The left front tire immediately went flat because, as a later inspection discovered, the rim had been so severely bent that the seal was broken. We pulled over to the side of the highway after paying the toll.
So after getting forms and taking pictures I now can make a claim to the Port Authority for the damage. So place your bets, will they pay, or won’t they. The officer who helped me fill out the claim had that very New York, “Go ahead bub, knock yourself out” kind of attitude. But don’t let that dissuade those dyed in the wool optimists from betting from the heart.
While changing the tire a tow truck pulled up. He took a quick look and then went to radio something. When he came back I was tightening the lug nuts on the spare. He said, “hey, that was fast.” Whatever. Cold comfort.
I think I would rather be in Mexico celebrating with a certain 70 year old that changing a tire or a NY thruway! The best news of all is....I AM!
I'll bet you don't see a cent. Not that that's how I'm rooting, of course...
Cmf really knows how to add salt to a wound. While tightening the lug nuts I too wished I was in sunny Mexico.
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