Thursdays are a bit surreal, but I like them. I awake in my NYC apartment, make a few brief preparations, pet the cats, fill the sinks with water, and head to the car. Three hours later I am in Harrisburg. During the second half of the trip I loose WNYC on the radio, so I use that time to run the play, out loud, in the car. Just me and the 38 guys, gals, and transvestites from the cast.
Once in Harrisburg I acclimate to my new surroundings by parking the car on City Island in a covered garage and walking across the bridge over the Susquehanna river to downtown Harrisburg.

The next order of business is eating my main meal of the day (around 2pm to 3pm) and then, a nap. Arise at 5:30, shower, shave and to the theatre by 7pm. Perform for the “pay what you can folks”. This is an Open Stage tradition where they allow people to pay what they can on Thursdays. Consequently the houses are large but are mostly comprised of college age students who have been required to attend something and write a paper about it. (God help us).
Following the performance I graciously invite the entire cast out to what now is a traditional venue, O’Grady’s sports bar, for a beer and mozzarella sticks. Even if half the cast comes, it still seems to be the same enlivening synergy each and every Thursday. I then retire to my little efficiency at the International House and write meaningless drivel like what you’ve just read.
I like Thursdays.
Sounds like a nice Thursday. I could get used to Thursdays that unfolded like that.
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