A Goodbye

My grandmother passed away today.
She was a milk and cookies kind of grandma…perfect for a boy. She was a second helping kind of grandma…perfect for a boy. She was a prim and proper kind of grandma yet with a scandalized laugh, as if you’d just said something slightly off-color, but it’s alright because it's funny…perfect for a boy. She was a “Born Free” kind of grandma who sat with you during daily screenings of the picture-about-the-lions while aboard the SS Lurline bound for Hawaii…perfect for a boy. She was an iced tea kind of grandma, making yard work at her house a kind of vacation…perfect for a boy. She was an attending kind of grandma, there at your major events, proud and present…perfect for a boy. She was slight but never weak, never wavering but never overbearing…perfect for a boy. She was enduring, looking to this and that for more than a century, caring for family and friends with an ever sharp, lucid mind…perfect for this boy, a yard stick for us all.
Dorthy Mabon b. 1905, d. 2009
Bless you, Dennis, you were perfect for her too!
oh, that's hard. i grew up with my grandma in the house and i still miss her 45 years later. i'll be thinking about you.
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