The River Crests Beyond the height of the Dam

At the top of that picture is a structure that Riverside Shakespeare Festival calls home. Normally the rivers edge is about 250 yards from the Festival Stage. There are baseball field, bocce ball courts and grassy fields in between. Our company members waded through about a foot of water several days ago to carry props and scenery, tools and equipment up some steps to the upper park and load them into a truck. Now the same path would cause one to wade in waist deep flood waters in order to reach what now is a little island theatre. We are opening both shows on schedule in City High School's very nice auditorium. It's not Shakespeare under the stars but the show will go on.
Gosh guys....I was just about to call you to ask
if things were worse. You've answered my
question. What a sight! Stay safe. We worry
about you. NY Mom
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